• Г. М. Тонкачеєв
  • В. Г. Тонкачеєв
  • В. П. Рашківський
  • О. Г. Шандра


The article deals with the problem that design engineers faces when designing construction production technology, which is associated with the lack of tools for analyzing and substantiating design and technological solutions. The information sources analysis devoted to this problem was carried out. The existing systems of technical processes standardization advantages and disadvantages were indicated. A very large rationing experience in foreign countries was noted. It is pointed out that in construction, the most processes duration, in contrast to mechanical engineering, is measured in hours, not minute’s fractions. In addition, using time standards for labor movements of human body organs (finger and hand movements, hand movements, etc.) when standardizing construction processes is a very complicated procedure that is practically impossible to solve. It is noted that the main trace element standards’ advantage is their analytical and synthetic essence, which allows for a thorough process’ analysis, as well as for designing, justifying a rational option, improving the work method, which is the reason to use the main provisions of these methods to create a new standardization system. All microelement standards systems main disadvantages for the construction industry are the high complexity and time-consuming time standards calculations, the methodology lack for the microelements use, and the unreasonableness of the time standards systems themselves, which complicates their implementation process. The greatest difficulty in creating such databases lies in the dismembering construction processes methods into the sets of actions, therefore this research main task is, together with the new microelement rationing method, the time rationing principles and methods creation for various actions and their complexes. This article is devoted to a new approach to determining labor cost norms, which is accompanied by a determining labor cost norms example for various options for monolithic slabs structural and technological solutions for the frame buildings floor. The analytical method of microelements with time norms in whole numbers within 1-8 minutes when determining processes labor costs showed its suitability and the obtained results sufficient reliability in comparison with other norms.

How to Cite
ТОНКАЧЕЄВ, Г. М. et al. THE LABOR COSTS RATE ANALYTICAL DETERMINATION’S SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTION’S PROCESSES PERFORMANCE. Building production, [S.l.], n. 74, p. 3-10, may 2023. ISSN 2524-2555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi: