• Ю. М. Халупка
  • В. В. Орищенко


In order to create the necessary conditions for life and development of society, the production of various products are organized. The nomenclature and consumer qualities of the produced products are determined by the level of scientific and technical development, economic and social living conditions. For the production of products, houses and buildings are erected, which are equipped with certain means of production. The term of functioning of means of production is due to physical and moral wear and tear of machines and mechanisms. Buildings and structures in, which means production are located and function also age physically and morally, although this aging occurs slower than the means of production.
Scientific and technical progress is currently characterized by a faster onset of wear and tear of the nomenclature of manufactured products. In addition, in connection with the changes taking place in society, the nomenclature of manufactured products replaced. The problem of retooling the functioning industry (replacing morally or physically outdated means of production, the emergence of need to produce new types of products) arose before humanity a long time ago.
Under reconstruction - the production of works, which carried out according to single project:
- with a change in volume-planning decisions;
- replacement or strengthening of existing structures;
- demolition of existing and construction of new structures related to the operation of technological equipment;
- with the replacement of obsolete or physically worn equipment;
- with mechanization, production automation, etc. When carrying out the reconstruction of the main production facility, as a rule, significant volumes of work are always performed on auxiliary and service facilities.
Reconstruction also includes the construction of new workshops and facilities instead of those, which being liquidated, the further operation of which is deemed impractical due to technical and economic conditions. They can be erected both on free territories and on areas vacated as a result of the liquidation (demolition) of the object.
Technical re-equipment is clear as the implementation of a set of measures in accordance with the technical development plan of the enterprise according to projects and estimates for individual objects and types of work (without expanding existing production areas) to raise the technical level of individual areas of production, aggregates, and installations to modern requirements by introducing new equipment and technology, mechanization and automation of production processes, modernization and replacement of obsolete or physically worn equipment with new, more productive ones.
Sometimes technical rearmament considered as a type of reconstruction with a relatively small amount of construction and installation work. As it is not difficult to see from the given definitions, new construction and expansion are in fact new construction, while the difference between them is only in the conditions of execution of works. Expansion of construction is carried out in difficult (compressed) conditions. Technical rearmament, as it was emphasized, mainly involves the organization of the dismantling of the old and the installation of new equipment on the existing foundations.
In the future, the main attention will be paid to the issues of actual reconstruction, namely:
- organization of works related to the strengthening of existing building structures, their replacement with temporary transfer of loads;
- replacement of beams and trusses in areas of the covering located in areas difficult to reach for installation cranes;
- by increasing the pitch of the columns without disassembly.

How to Cite
ХАЛУПКА, Ю. М.; ОРИЩЕНКО, В. В.. BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION DESIGN. Building production, [S.l.], n. 76, p. 32-36, sep. 2024. ISSN 2524-2555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: