• С. В. Сазонова


New trends on a global scale necessitate the development of a new concept of strategic management of telecommunications enterprises. The relevance of the issue is due to the fact that telecommunications companies are an important element of the global information infrastructure and actually ensure the functioning of the digital economy.
The article uses general scientific methods of cognition, generalisation, system analysis and synthesis. Special methods are used, namely: collection and processing of information; methods of analytical work; methods of planned calculations and justifications. The methodological basis is the modern provisions of the theory of strategic management of enterprises and the theory of the development of the digital economy, digitalisation and digital transformation.
The digital economy is based on the activities of telecommunications enterprises, which leads to profound changes in the way telecommunications enterprises should be organised today in order to be managed in the future.
Telecommunications enterprises need to develop and implement a new model of strategic management, which will ensure: the formation of a knowledge base, the use of artificial intelligence, the definition of a set of interrelated rules, the development of an expert system, the implementation of an information management system, to achieve strategic goals in the long term.
The article proves that in the context of the development of the digital economy, one of the effects of the strategic management system at an enterprise should be an increase in the level of formalisation of its processes. In turn, this will also ensure the process of digitalisation and the creation of procedures that will allow the telecommunications enterprise to achieve its goals in the best possible way.
It is noted that the system of strategic management of telecommunication enterprises in the digital economy allows to form a model of strategic management based on the paradigm of digital strategy, and also includes the values and goals of the enterprise and social responsibility of business. The model of strategic management proposed in the article will help to stabilise the work of telecommunications enterprises in difficult times, introduce innovative methods of strategic management, and use digital technologies to make and implement strategic management decisions. The digital strategy paradigm is based on the decomposition of goals and functions of management subsystems. The decomposition itself is carried out on the principles of transparency and sufficiency, i.e. rational separation of management types with their subsequent integration into a single system (composition) of strategic management at all levels of a telecommunications enterprise.

How to Cite
САЗОНОВА, С. В.. PREREQUISITES AND PECULIARITIES OF BUILDING A MODEL OF DIGITAL MANAGEMENT STRATEGY FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENTERPRISES. Building production, [S.l.], n. 75, p. 63-67, apr. 2024. ISSN 2524-2555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 oct. 2024. doi: