• П. Є. Григоровський
  • О. В. Мурасьова


 In the world practice the concept of system approach (surveying) to real estate management has become widespread, which consists in the implementation of integrated real estate management at all stages of the life cycle in the interests of the owner, from the moment operation.
Ensuring serviceability at all stages of the life cycle of facilities should be carried out in accordance with building codes and national standards that reflect the specifics of their construction.
The article analyzes the provisions of the regulatory framework for ensuring the operational suitability of buildings and structures at the stage of operation, the frequency of repairs, organizational and technological schemes of maintenance.
The main purpose of regulations is to protect the interests of consumers in the use of construction products, so efforts to ensure this goal should focus on achieving and maintaining the relevant parameters of buildings and their engineering systems during operation.
At the stage of operation, the purpose of repairs is to maintain the operational properties of buildings and structures at the design (regulatory) level, which affects their durability. The stage of operation of buildings and structures includes repairs (current, capital) and work to strengthen or restore building structures. At the last stage of the life cycle of buildings and structures, the restoration of their operational properties is carried out during reconstruction, overhaul or technical re-equipment, which will include work on strengthening or restoration of building structures.
Based on the provisions of the analyzed legislative and regulatory documents, current repairs do not apply to construction, so it is not covered by legislative and regulatory documents in force in construction. However, the legal and regulatory fields that are supposed to regulate the implementation of mandatory requirements at all stages of the life cycle of the structure, often do not correspond to each other and, as a rule, are not fulfilled. At the same time, it is critical to ensure compliance with the requirements during the longest and most costly stage of the life cycle - operation.

How to Cite
ГРИГОРОВСЬКИЙ, П. Є.; МУРАСЬОВА, О. В.. PROBLEMS OF TECHNICAL REGULATION TO ENSURE THE OPERATING SUITABILITY OF CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES. Building production, [S.l.], n. 73, p. 19-25, may 2023. ISSN 2524-2555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: