• Л. О. Згалат-Лозинська
  • М. О. Клименко


The paper analyzes the cement production situation in Ukraine and in the whole world
recent years. Data on the distribution of the cement market, its features of development and transfor
mation in the context of global trends in energy and resource conservation, increasing productivity and
efficiency of cement enterprises are presented. An analysis of the largest cementexporting countries in
2019, the structure of world cement supplies in terms of individual types of cement. The analysis of
dynamics of cement production in Ukraine is carried out. There is a clear correlation between the volu
me of cement production in Ukraine and the volume of construction and road works, for which cement
is the main raw material. The stability of cement production by domestic producers against the back
ground of growing imports has been established. Analysis of the reasons for noncompetitiveness of
Ukrainian cement companies revealed the causes, including outdated equipment, its high level of phys
ical and moral wear, high energy consumption both at the stage of clinker production and final grinding
of cement in granular blast furnace slag drum mills. The used technologies of cement production on the
basis of its main equipment mills are considered. It has been found that vertical roll mills offer grea
ter versatility than traditional ball mills: space is reduced by having grinding and separation units
assembled in one machine, gas consumption is lower, which allows the use of material with a higher mois
ture content. Comparative graphs of energy consumption of mills during slag grinding with the help of
vertical roll and ball mills are analyzed. The main ways to improve the situation in the cement industry
as a leading link in the construction market of Ukraine are identified. It is proposed to draw the atten
tion of both cement producers and the Ministry of Regional Development to the widespread introducti
on of innovative technologies in the cement industry, which can provide a significant reduction in ener
gy intensity while increasing productivity and become a driving force in improving the economic situa
tion in Ukraine. environmental problems.

How to Cite
ЗГАЛАТ-ЛОЗИНСЬКА, Л. О.; КЛИМЕНКО, М. О.. ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE INTRODUCTION OF INNOVATIVE EQUIPMENT IN THE BUILDING MATERIALS INDUSTRY. Building production, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 70, p. 87-97, dec. 2020. ISSN 2524-2555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: