• П. Є. Григоровський
  • В. О. Басанський
  • Л. М. Грубська


66.1 thousand km2 of the territory of Ukraine belongs to landslide hazard. It is possible to
activate existing and the formation of new deep block landslides of extrusion and sliding (shear), as well
as the manifestation of shallow surface landslides of sliding, viscoplastic flow, hydrodynamic fracture
and sudden dilution. The solution to the problem is to study the degree of interaction of natural and
technogenic factors of geodynamic processes in landslidehazardous territories and to develop construc
tive, organizational and technological solutions to prevent the consequences of such interference. For
this, it is necessary to have an idea of the mechanism of the flow of geodynamic processes, the destruc
tion and wear of structural elements during the life cycle and the influence of environmental factors on
building structures, it is impossible without obtaining objective information through instrumental meas
Optimization of structural and technological solutions at the stage of erection of engineering structures
on landslide slopes can lead to a reduction in capital investment in permanent structural elements that
ensure structural stability. This is especially true for the construction of underground buildings on the
slopes. Indeed, the pit fence can simultaneously perform both a protecting and bearing function.
When choosing a construction method for buried structures, it is necessary to take into account the con
ditions under which the construction is reduced. The choice of the type of fence in difficult geotechnical
conditions and in the conditions of compacted development is influenced by additional factors charac
terizing the different types of foundation pit fencing, namely: soil conditions of the builtup area (soil
types) permeability of the fence; strength and rigidity of the fence; noise and vibration absorption;
impact on surrounding buildings; possible pit depth; construction speed; the possibility of perceiving the
load from the building; profitability.
Studying the degree of interaction of natural and technogenic factors of geodynamic processes in land
slidehazardous territories and developing constructive, organizational and technological solutions to
prevent the consequences of such interference will minimize the composition of compensating measures
by organizing an instrumental monitoring system.

How to Cite
ГРИГОРОВСЬКИЙ, П. Є.; БАСАНСЬКИЙ, В. О.; ГРУБСЬКА, Л. М.. ANALYSIS OF THE INITIAL DATA OF DETERMINING THE VOLUMES OF INSTRUMENTAL MONITORING OF LANDSCAPE SLOPES. Building production, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 69, p. 35-42, oct. 2020. ISSN 2524-2555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: