• Е. В. Шарикіна


The article analyzes the technology of restoration of concrete and reinforced concrete
structures, their advantages and disadvantages.
Manual repair is used to repair minor damage, where repair solution is applied to the damage sites with
a spatula or float. The method of repair of structures that reduces the time of repair work, is to use such
technological methods as heating the repair section and preliminary heating of the repair mixture. The
technology of repair and the installation of a protective layer on vertical surfaces is the use of a vibra
tion shield, where the surface and deep sealing of the repair mixture is carried out simultaneously. A
common method of repairing reinforced concrete structures is the method of shotcrete, where the repair
mixture is applied to the surface under pressure using a shotcrete installation. The "Tiroline" method
consists in applying solutions of various consistencies using rotating nozzles and blades. The method of
repairing concrete and reinforced concrete structures by investing in the formwork of the repair mixtu
re is used to restore large volumes of structural damage. Formwork design is installed at a certain dis
tance from the existing structure, which allows you to simultaneously strengthen it, or directly along the
reducing edges of the structure. In the formwork serves repair solution through the holes, or through spe
cial couplings, where the solution is injected with a concrete pump
Analysis of the scientific and technical literature has established that a wide choice of technologies for
the repair and restoration of concrete and reinforced concrete structures allows work to be performed on
vertical and upper planes of horizontal surfaces. At the same time, technologies that can be used to res
tore the lower surfaces of horizontal structures are virtually absent, and those that are complex and
labor intensive. That is why it is necessary to improve or develop and scientifically substantiate new
technological approaches to the implementation of these works.

How to Cite
ШАРИКІНА, Е. В.. TECHNOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE REPAIR OF REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES. Building production, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 69, p. 28-34, oct. 2020. ISSN 2524-2555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: