• О. Ю. Бєлєнкова


The purpose. The work is devoted to the review of the features of the participants of the
investment<construction process, adaptation to the needs of real estate developers of the widespread tool
of marketing analysis of the market — competitive cards. Methods. To solve the problem of adapting the
tools of competitive analysis to the peculiarities of the functioning of real estate developers used the
method of competitive maps. The Results. The classification of construction enterprises, their features,
advantages and disadvantages of the use of widely used methods of competitive analysis, in particular
competitive maps, are presented, as well as proposals for their adaptation to the conditions of construc<
tion activity are presented. The method of construction of the competitive map of the market for deve<
lopment companies, which consists of four stages, is proposed. The first stage is to determine the market
share of individual developers and the rate of its growth on the database of sales of housing on the site
of the developer, the second — to determine the rate of increase (fall) of sales compared to the previous
period. It is suggested to use this indicator instead of the rate of increase or fall of the market share of
the enterprise, since for developers companies this indicator is not informative. The third stage is to
determine the competitive position of developers. In this case, the competitive map is transformed as fol<
lows: horizontally determines the competitive position of the developer in terms of supply lived, and ver<
tically — the sale of housing in the analyzed period. Fourth stage — analysis of the life cycle of the deve<
lopment company, determining the prospects for its development or exit from the market. Scientific
novelty. Adaptation of competition cards to the peculiarities of the activities and needs of real estate
companies is a new way of solving the current scientific problem by the known tools of competitive ana<
lysis, which are used for the first time to solve the task. The practical significance. The results obtained
will allow real estate developers, marketing services and analysts to compare the competitiveness of
Ukrainian developers.

How to Cite
БЄЛЄНКОВА, О. Ю.. ADAPTATION OF COMPETITION ANALYSIS TOOLS TO THE FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES (ON THE EXAMPLE OF COMPETITION CARDS). Building production, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 68, p. 106-112, oct. 2020. ISSN 2524-2555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: