• Г. В. Шпакова


In accordance with international production development priorities one can't neglect of
information technology and environmental standards because it's a strategic waste of time. In the con!
struction industry, the path of following global trends of creating competitive products leads through
ВІМ!technologies used for design and maintenance of objects throughout the entire life cycle. It is pro!
posed that the mechanism of ВIM!technology tools be used consistently at all stages of design: at the
pre!project stage when working with an investment project, at the stage of developing space!planning
and structural solutions, taking into account possible changes in the functional purpose of the object
during the life cycle. The application of the concept of functional transformation of objects during ope!
ration is proposed, the implementation of which is visualized by means of D!modeling of ВIM. It is pro!
posed to carry out maintenance of the facility during its service life in order to timely diagnose the state
of structures and plan current and overhauls by means of BIM. It is proposed to introduce greening
aspects in the construction industry that are relevant in the world by means of a circular (circular)
model of material production, which provides for a cycle of organic or biological materials that can
return to the biosphere without harming the living world, and a cycle of technical materials that should
be contained in turnover as long as possible, using such a tool as recycling of building structures and
materials. Attraction of ВІМ funds when using recycling enables the enterprises of the processing sec!
tor to plan the volume of production over time and is guaranteed to receive raw materials (worn!out
building structures and materials) from objects to be reconstructed or modernized.

How to Cite
ШПАКОВА, Г. В.. APPLICATION OF ВIM WITH FUNCTIONAL TRANSFORMATION OF OBJECTS DURING OPERATION USING RECYCLING. Building production, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 67, p. 75-78, oct. 2020. ISSN 2524-2555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: